Steve, Scott, and I have wrapped up the latest installment of HIGH MOON, which is scheduled to hit Zuda on Tuesday! In the meantime, I thought we'd get you caught up with some interesting webcomic news that circulating around the Internet.
- If you haven't check out the recent Zuda news from the New York Comic Con, you missed some real humdingers! Not only that, but the Zuda series, Pray For Death, now has a blog! And Bayou's Jeremy Love gets himself interviewed over that Pulp Secret (around the 6:23 mark).
- The awesome Brad Guigar of Evil Inc, Courting Disaster, and Phables, has added a wicked neat feature to one of his comics thanks to Dumbrella's Phillip Karlsson. Kudos Brad and Phillip! Brad is also one of the co-authors of the book, HOW TO MAKE WEBCOMICS (which is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) and is one of the co-pundits/podcasters behind WEBCOMICS WEEKLY.
- Danielle Corsetto of Girls With Slingshots repute, along with her girl Friday, Wren, have set up set up a survey on merchandise. Head over to the link and tell her you want sort of cool plushies, coffee mugs, and shot glasses you'd like to see.
- The Gigcast interviews the crazy madmen behind Ink Tank!
- And finally, Kevin Colden's Fishtown begins it's fifth and final chapter! Read it now on Act-I-Vate!
In the next day or so, I'll either be talking about some High Moon "Deleted Scenes" or "Character Voice". See you then!