Talented artist, Igor Glushkin, had this fun sketch of HIGH MOON's Macgregor to pass along. Dig Igor's art? Check out his DeviantArt page or visit him on Twitter!
High Moon #1-#11: Werewolf’s and Cowboys, two of the halloween costumes that may never go out of style and neither hopefully will this award winning digital comic that celebrates 3rd year on the web this month as a comic tailor made for halloween. It’s a little tough to pick out a single issue from a series so ripe with horrors and twists so go ahead and download all 11 issues right now…if you dare!
Click here to read the entire post -- which includes THE NIGHT OWLS, BATMAN, and more!HIGH MOON and BOX 13 Comic Book Creators – David Gallaher and Steve Ellis will be displaying their comic books and graphic novels during the New York Comic Con from October 8th – 10th.
During the show, Steve will be taking commissions - and the duo will have plenty of HIGH MOON prints and goodies, along with copies of BOX 13 and DARKSTAR & THE WINTER GUARD.
You can find them at the Comic Social Club Booth #2461 during the show – you can also follow them on Twitter at: http://www.twitter.com/comicsocialclub
It is our way of saying ‘Thank You’ to all of our readers and fans for their tremendous support during our last three years at DC Comics.
So, grab your Stetson and your six-shooter -- and join us as we celebrate with a BANG!
I'm very proud to announce that HIGH MOON has been Harvey nominated for BEST ONLINE COMIC for a second year in a row. Not to be outdone, the exceptional Steve Ellis also received a nomination for BEST INKER. Thank you all for the nominations and the incredible public support for HIGH MOON, we could not have done it without you. To cast your vote for HIGH MOON and for Steve Ellis, please complete the ballot, found right here.
David Gallaher, Steve Ellis & Scott O. Brown
Macgregor investigates a mysteriously artificial foe – a foe related to the deaths of a local man’s sons; and subsequently winds up in the midst of a love triangle.
Price: 99¢
Download .txt Final Ballot (for email)
E-Mail Submission: harveyballots@hotmail.com
Ballot Deadline April 23, 2010
Snail Mail : Paul McSpadden ; Administrator Harvey Awards ; 605 West Arapaho Road ; Richardson, Texas 75080
For More information about The Harvey Awards, or to inquire about sponsorship opportunities, contact baltimorecomiccon@yahoo.com